A selection of the projects I have been involved in or led over the past 15 years. All explore or use business activities to create a combination of social and environmental value.


Open access book on Circular Economy in the DACH region, published in 2022. My 3 co-editors and I, together with 32 authors, explore and debunk myths of circular economy operationalisation and conceptualisation. We present innovative solutions that have proven themselves in practice.

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A B2C technology startup in the health and fitness space. Nascent was born out of personal frustration with existing cycling and running long-term training products. My co founder and I worked on this integrated platform and accompanying mobile application project between 2015 and 2017. We made dynamic training plans for outdoor cyclists and runners. Our MVPs included a fully functioning iOS application and we incorporated the vast amounts of learning we gained from launching this MVP. Still, we did not gain market traction. Nascent was supported by the Royal College of Art InnovationRCA startup incubation program.

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Golden Company

A social enterprise based in East London. The Golden Co worked with at risk young people aged 16-21: they cared for bees, sold honey products at London's Borough Market, and engaged London City employees in social and environmental sustainability through corporate events. I developed the services income stream from 2011 and ran the business in times when the need did arise until the end of 2015. This included support for 15 young people, running all operations, staff and volunteer development, and business development activities. I wrote a blog about the values The Golden Co for Virgin Unite, the non-profit foundation of the Virgin Group. The blog on values-driven business was shared by Sir Richard Branson across his social media.

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Eco Rating

Project led by NGO Forum for the Future and Telefónica O2 UK. I project managed this B2B and B2C project from its inception in 2009 through development and up to the launch in autumn 2010. We developed a rating system that evaluates the sustainability credentials of handsets and rewards innovation. O2 was the first UK operator to use an Eco Rating to inform its customers of handsets’ sustainability performance and, in turn, encourage manufacturers to take a leadership role in driving forward sustainability. I wrote an Eco Rating project article for the Guardian about the project.